In this blog post we're going to derive fast algorithms for evaluating the successive values of polynomials and exponentials.
Let's start simple. How do you evaluate successive values of P(n) = an + b, a first order polynomial? You initialize an accumulator to b and keep adding a to it.
Notice how we don't have to multiply by a anywhere to get the values.
Let's try P(n) = n2, the simplest second order polynomial. We needed one accumulator with the first one so maybe we need two accumulators this time.
The bottom accumulator y0 will have the values 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15... That's definately not linear, but not the sequence 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25... that we're after. It turns out that the general term in the sequence is n(n + 1)/2 or multiplying by two n2 + n. Multiplication is easy (just replace the 1 with a 2 above), but how do we get rid of the n term? The equations are linear and actually include the first order iteration. Adding a value to the initial value of y0 shift the sequence by a constant and adding a value to the initial value of y1 adds a linear function of n to the final sequence. In this case we want to add P(n) = -n. The final iteration for n2 becomes:
The iteration is linear so we can now add all the lower order terms for a general second order polynomial:
So if you pre-calculate the 2a term you only need two additions to get the next value of a polynomial that naïvely requires three multiplications to evaluate (two multiplications if you reduce it to Horner form). Pretty cool, huh?
Moving on. Let's tackle P(n) = n3. Generalizing the naïve iteration:
We get 0, 1, 4, 10, 20, 35... or n(n + 1)(n + 2)/6 in general. Multiplying by six we get a n3 term, but now we get both quadratic and linear nuisance terms. Luckily we already know how to generate both kinds of terms so we just need to subtract them:
Or for a general third order polynomial:
Starting to look a bit complex, but it works. Very useful if you wish to evaluate cubic Bézier curves or interpolate other functions using cubic Hermite splines.
I'm going to leave the higher order polynomials as an exercise. You can use the strategy introduced here: Write out the naïve iteration, derive the general term, expand it and subtract the lower order nuisance terms that you already know how to compute.
The bottom accumulator y0 will have the values 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15... That's definately not linear, but not the sequence 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25... that we're after. It turns out that the general term in the sequence is n(n + 1)/2 or multiplying by two n2 + n. Multiplication is easy (just replace the 1 with a 2 above), but how do we get rid of the n term? The equations are linear and actually include the first order iteration. Adding a value to the initial value of y0 shift the sequence by a constant and adding a value to the initial value of y1 adds a linear function of n to the final sequence. In this case we want to add P(n) = -n. The final iteration for n2 becomes:
The iteration is linear so we can now add all the lower order terms for a general second order polynomial:
So if you pre-calculate the 2a term you only need two additions to get the next value of a polynomial that naïvely requires three multiplications to evaluate (two multiplications if you reduce it to Horner form). Pretty cool, huh?
Moving on. Let's tackle P(n) = n3. Generalizing the naïve iteration:
We get 0, 1, 4, 10, 20, 35... or n(n + 1)(n + 2)/6 in general. Multiplying by six we get a n3 term, but now we get both quadratic and linear nuisance terms. Luckily we already know how to generate both kinds of terms so we just need to subtract them:
Or for a general third order polynomial:
Starting to look a bit complex, but it works. Very useful if you wish to evaluate cubic Bézier curves or interpolate other functions using cubic Hermite splines.
I'm going to leave the higher order polynomials as an exercise. You can use the strategy introduced here: Write out the naïve iteration, derive the general term, expand it and subtract the lower order nuisance terms that you already know how to compute.
Computing polynomials at non-integer values
Above we derived the general iteration for polynomials of the form P(n), where n is an integer. What if you want to evaluate P(t) for successive instants of time? It's very simple. Just write t as t = nΔt, where Δt is the inverse of the sampling rate and you'll get a new polynomial as a function of n. The same goes for starting the iteration at arbitrary instant of time t0. Just write t = nΔt + t0, expand to get get the coefficients of ni and plug them to the formula for P(n).
Nothing in the above iterations says that you have to use addition to get the next values. There's a homomorphism between the additive group and the multiplicative group that says you can use 1 in place of 0, multiplication in place of addition and raising to a power in place of scalar multiplication.
Let's write out the iteration for the exponential function to get a taste:
And the gaussian for good measure:
Or the general gaussian in terms of t = nΔt:
You get the idea. In general it's possible to evaluate eP(n) with only m multiplications where m is the order of the polynomial P(n).